Join Our Sponsors

23 Dec 2018 2:25 PM | FIGT Blog Editor (Administrator)

Here at Families in Global Transition, ‘tis the sponsorship season!

We’re welcoming back returning sponsors and recruiting new ones to help FIGT continue to grow in its mission as a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them across cultures. It is the work of FIGT to promote cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world.

Did you know that we’re a highly diverse, inclusive, globally-focused, multi-sector, multi-disciplinary, member-run non-profit directly serving the worldwide mobile/cross-cultural population, and those who support them? Did you also know that we are almost entirely run by volunteers, and rely on membership, sponsorship and conference revenue to thrive?

Our members, conference attendees, and the broader global community we serve live, work, and study around the world, have previously done so, and/or intend to again. They are individuals, couples, and parents who want to know the latest in topics, trends and research that affect themselves and their families. They come from academia, international schools, global corporations, entrepreneurs, small- or mid-sized businesses, missions, the military, the diplomatic service, international organizations, non-profits, and beyond.

Many will gather at our annual conference, with its theme of Connect – Lead –Change: Welcoming New Perspectives to Inspire and Support People in Transition, to be held April 26-28, 2019 in Bangkok. All look to FIGT to address these and other relevant issues year round.

We’re fortunate to have supportive sponsors whose invaluable financial and professional support helps keep FIGT growing and serving our global community throughout the year. Just as we work diligently to identify, invite and include new or missing voices to our community, we welcome new sponsors interested in the same.    

If you – or someone you know – might be a good match for partnering with FIGT, we encourage you to contact our Sponsorship Chair, Linda Janssen (, for a no-pressure conversation regarding available opportunities, and the benefits and privileges involved. As we like to say, “Our Sponsors know when it’s the right fit, and so do we.”