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Webinar | Two Minds Abroad--What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Global Living

  • 13 Jun 2014
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Webinar


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FIGT Webinar

Two Minds Abroad--What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Global Living

Presented by Joseph Shaules (PhD)

Friday, June 13, 2014
9:00 AM EDT, 6:00 AM PDT, 22:00 PM JST,  

About the Webinar

Life in foreign countries has a powerful impact on our minds. There are adjustment stresses and culture shock, but also excitement, expanded horizons and even transformation. But just what makes these experiences so powerful? Why are they so hard to predict or describe? The fields of cognitive and cultural neuroscience are starting to provide some answers. Researchers are uncovering the workings of the "cognitive unconscious" or intuitive mind. We are discovering that many of the most powerful elements of intercultural living involve an unconscious learning process that can be difficult for our conscious mind to understand or manage. We are also discovering that culture conditions our minds in powerful and subtle ways. This webinar will provide a simple overview of insights from gained from recent research and will provide tips for helping sojourners get the most out of their experiences.


Registration for members is free. Non-members may register for $75 USD. Get a full refund of your webinar fee if you sign up for membership within 8 days of attending the webinar. 

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About the Presenter

Joseph Shaules (PhD) has worked in intercultural education in Japan, Mexico and Europe for more than 20 years. He spent ten years as a tenured faculty at Rikkyo University, as well as 5 years as a special associate professor at the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication. He is currently the director of the Japan Intercultural Institute (JII). He also teaches at the Rikkyo College of Business and the Keio University International Center. He is a co-presenter on the NHK Television program "Nyuusu de Eikaiwa". He is the Japan specialist for Intercultures, a consulting and training company based in Germany. With the International House of Japan he has developed seminars in leadership skills for intercultural professionals. His books include Identity (Oxford University Press), Deep Culture: The Hidden Challenges of International Living (Multilingual Matters) and Beneath the Surface: The Beginner's Guide to the Deep Culture Experience. (Intercultural Press) He is proficient in English, Japanese, French and Spanish. He is currently learning Indonesian and lives in Tokyo.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

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