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Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) Pre-Conference

FINAL Program Available Here

March 22, 2017 | World Trade Centre, The Hague | Netherlands
Leaders in supporting & connecting school-based programs that address international mobility


SPAN is grateful to the Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Board of Directors for its moral and instrumental support in launching this first SPAN Pre-Conference. SPAN encourages all who are accepted for the 2017 SPAN Pre-Conference to register for the full FIGT Conference in The Hague, Netherlands, from March 23-25, 2017. FIGT is the premier forum for learning about how mobility affects people and what professionals across sectors—education, corporate, research, military, and missionary—are doing to improve how people transition across cultures. No better ‘home’ exists for SPAN to launch its work.

Registration Cost:

SPAN encourages you to attend both the SPAN Pre-Conference and the FIGT Conference.

  • Cost for the SPAN Pre-Conference (March 22, 2017) is $225 (USD).
  • Pre-Conference cost for those who register for FIGT (March 23-25) is $175 (USD).

Conference Venue:

Conveniently located in the same facilities as the FIGT Conference, the SPAN Pre-Conference will take place at The World Trade Center, The Hague, Netherlands

Location Address

NH Hotels

Prinses Margrietplantsoen 100

2595 BR Den Haag


Tel: +31 70 3812345

Why is SPAN Important to International Schools?

At any school with a high degree of turnover, transitions affect everyone, regardless of a person’s role (staff, parent or student) and regardless of whether a person is moving or being moved away from. People move amongst schools, so the emotional issues of any one individual transcend individual school walls, making it impossible for any one school to fully address these issues alone. Success requires collaboration.

Only a handful of international schools have well-developed transitions programs. Even when these programs exist, they tend to operate in isolation. Part of the reason why is because no forum ever existed to support program development and collaboration. The SPAN Pre-Conference seeks to address this gap by creating a forum for professionals, parents and even students who are leading the development of transition services at their schools.

The SPAN Pre-Conference will create a day of collaboration, all with the goal of helping teachers so they can teach well and helping parents so they can parent well.  We do this with an ultimate goal common to all schools: helping students learn well.

Connect with SPAN:      

SPAN Background:

The Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) concept was launched at the 2016 Families in Global Transition Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Steering Committee consists of:



Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN):

  • Bolsters learning and human development at schools with a significant degree of turnover
  • Facilitates the establishment of programs that address the challenges of mobility across school networks
  • Provides continuity and support for the service providers who build such programs and networks

Guiding Principles:

  • SPAN believes that, at any school with a significant degree of turnover, the effective management of mobility is essential to the full realization of the school's educational mission
  • SPAN provides continuity and support for individual school transition teams to grow and interconnect
  • SPAN approaches this work in a fashion that reflects its goals. It seeks to be safe, inclusive, and representative of all the stakeholders involved

Connect with SPAN:      

Questions? Please contact SPAN at spanpreconference@figt.org

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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