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A new book for French speaking readers "Réussir sa vie d'expat. S'épanouir à l'étranger en développant son intelligence nomade

07 Oct 2015 8:43 PM | Judy Rickatson

Magdalena Zilveti Chaland, FIGT Member, is announcing the release of her new book, published in France but available on-line and in kindle format. This book is about the psychological impact of expatriation and how living in another country deeply mark identity, family connections and social relationships. Magdalena is a psychologist and a coach specialized in working with French speaking expatriates communities all around the world. Born in France from a Chilean dad and a Bolivian dad, she is leaving now for 11 years in California.

If you want to know more about this book, you can check : http://www.intelligence-nomade.com/produit/ 

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