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2023-2024 Board Position Open

We're looking for passionate individuals to join our Board of Directors.

As a Board member, you'll be helping us to provide strategic guidance and ensure our long-term success. This is a great opportunity to make a difference in our community and to gain valuable experience and skills. We'd love to have you on our team!

2023-2024 Board Applications

    Follow the links below for detailed role description. The submission deadline is November 6, 2023.

      What is the FIGT Board of Directors?

      FIGT’s Board of Directors is responsible for both the execution and governance of FIGT’s mission and strategy. It is a working Board - not only an advisory one - and it is composed of volunteer Board members elected for 2-year terms amongst FIGT members. All Board Directors and committee members are voluntary positions.

      Why apply?

      Looking to make a positive impact in the global FIGT community while also enhancing your personal and professional skills? Joining the FIGT Board of Directors or its associated committees is the perfect opportunity to do just that. Not only will you connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network, but you'll also gain valuable experience working on projects you're passionate about. This fulfilling experience will provide you with renewed motivation and vision that you can carry with you into your personal and professional life.

      What are the requirements to apply for a Director position?

      • Must be an FIGT member  * Please note that, if selected, you would have to become a registered member of FIGT
      • Must have:
      • Attended an FIGT Annual conference
      • OR been an active FIGT volunteer for any length of time
      • Ability to commit to the hours of volunteer work for a Board position role
      • Attend the monthly virtual General Board Meetings
      • Attend the FIGT Conferences
      • Prior experience working with cross-cultural teams
      • Prior experience working online using collaborative platforms such as Google Drive, Zoom, WhatsApp, and Doodle
      • Readiness to learn new online platforms if required

      Apply with a cover letter and resume addressed to President FIGT, Hannele Secchia at president@figt.org. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by the Executive Committee of the Board.

      Deadline is 6th November, 2023.

      Families in Global Transition
      C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
      1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
      Allentown, PA 18103, USA

      Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
      Email: admin@figt.org

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