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Click here for the biographies of our Keynote Presenters

Maryam Afnan Ahmad
Maryam Afnan Ahmad has had a diverse career in training, teaching, writing and volunteering as a Pakistani diplomatic spouse and mother to two TCKs. She co-wrote Slurping Soup and Other Confusions: true stories and activities to help third culture kids during transition with an intercultural group of expat moms and parenting trainers during her tenure in Beijing. She is currently a teacher for gifted children; an FIGT Board member and also conducts her own workshops for TCKs for groups like the World Bank Family Network. 
Ebere Akadiri
Ebere Akadiri had two highly successful restaurants in Nigeria and a catering company employing more than 56 people. In 2013, she left her business behind to move with her family to the Netherlands. Ebere took her love of her native cuisine with her and set up a thriving business in the centre of The Hague. She offers cooking classes and has launched Ataro Food and Spices, her range of spice mixes which sells in shops and online. Recognizing that her experience could be valuable to others, she now mentors people on the right steps to take to achieve their dreams. www.atarofood.nl
Basma Al-Rawi 
Basma Al-Rawi is a Muslim Iraqi, wife and mother of four, with a degree in Architecture and Interior Design. She has been an expat since 2001. She was born just two years before the eight-year-long Iraq-Iran war. Her teen years spanned the 1991 Gulf War and 13 years of brutal economical siege. All that gave her a “customized” life experience, with a very limited view on the rest of the world. Post 2001, she has experienced  a gradual change to become an international citizen who is more open and curious about the world, cares about others -- irrespective of who they are -- and works hard to make a positive change in the societies that she can reach. She would love to share her experience with others and stimulate a fruitful discussion. www.basmaalrawi.com
Dana Bachar Grossman
Dana Bachar Grossman is a mediation facilitator, promoter and trainer with more than 10 years of international mediation experience, built upon an extensive foundation in training within a wide range of organisations. MeD8, which formally came into being in 2013, was set up by Dana to promote the art of effective negotiation and conflict resolution courses. Dana started her formal mediation career at the Israel Bar Mediation Centre (IBMC). She relocated to Singapore in 2010 and has continued her work as an active Panel Mediator at the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) in both The Supreme Court and Subordinate Courts in Singapore. www.med8.com.sg

Cristina Baldan 
Cristina Baldan moved her family through five continents and seven different countries in less than 15 years. A photographer and graphic designer, with a background in Economics, she is deeply interested in topics linked to migration, multiculturalism and encounters amongst different people. Twelve years ago, she participated in the creation of www.Expatclic.com. She currently lives in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
 Jane Barron
Jane Barron BA Dip Ed, MEd, is a youth intercultural transition specialist and culturally responsive educator with 24 years experience in both international and local schools, a parent of two globally mobile children, a child of a domestically mobile family and now, a repatriate to Australia. She has seen and understands the impact of mobility on individuals. Founder of Globally Grounded, Jane consults to international and local schools, families and globally mobile students - developing their understanding of the impact of cross-cultural mobility, creating programs and implementing support mechanisms to enhance learning and life. A Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) Steering Committee Member and current Parfitt Pascoe Writing Residency Scholar, Jane’s writing has been published in International Teacher Magazine, International School Magazine and The International Educator. www.globallygrounded.com
Amanda Bates
Amanda has been a fan of FIGT since she first connected with the organization in 2013 and currently serves on the Board of Directors as the Affiliates Chair.  This (adult) third culture kid has spent most of her professional life helping students determine their next steps after completing secondary school. Presently, she is a student affairs professional based in Doha, Qatar helping her university students launch into the career world. She is also the founder and editor in chief of The Black Expat, an online platform dedicated to the intersection of global mobility and black identity.
Valerie Besanceney
Valerie Besanceney is an international school primary teacher and author. Her interest in third culture kids spurred her on to write stories children who move can identify with. Her first book B at Home: Emma Moves Again, is a fictional memoir about a ten-year-old girl who has to move yet again. Her second book, My Moving Booklet, is a workbook that serves as a tool for children to explore their feelings about an upcoming move and to write their own ‘moving’ story. Originally Dutch, Valerie currently lives in Switzerland with her husband and their two daughters. 
Cate Brubaker 
Dr. Cate Brubaker is founder and Chief Re-entry Relauncher at SmallPlanetStudio.com, the go-to website for reentry after living abroad. She is also the author of The Re-entry Relaunch Roadmap: a Creative Workbook for Finding Happiness, Success and Your Next Global Adventure After Being Abroad. Cate helps global adventurers move from being bummed about going home to brimming with excitement about their next global adventure at home or abroad. A former expat and current part-time nomad, Cate has worked in international education for 20 years in the US and abroad and currently lives in North Carolina, USA. http://www.smallplanetstudio.com
Alix Carnot  
Alix Carnot is a speaker on expatriate couples and dual careers issues. She is head of the Expat Intelligence and international careers departments at Expat Communication. Her book, Chéri(e) on s’expatrie, guide de survie à l’usage des couples expatriés, published in 2016 in France, is being translated into English. Alix moved eight times in 15 years, following her husband’s assignments with their 4 sons and launched several networks to facilitate international dual careers. www.expatcommunication.com

Trisha Carter
Trisha Carter is an Organisational Psychologist and Intercultural Specialist, helping people from different cultures work effectively together. She is the founder of Trans Cultural Careers
 and the Cultural Intelligence Collectiveproviding in person training, coaching and consulting as well as on-line training and resources to help you work well and live well in another culture. With Rachel Yates she co-authored ‘ Finding Home Abroad - A Guided Journal for Adapting to Life Overseas’. She currently lives in Sydney, Australia and has colleagues, friends and clients spread around the world
Kenady Chisholm
Kenady is a TCK blogger, writer, and speaker. A recent graduate from university with a B.S. in psychology, Kenady plans to attend graduate school for higher education and student affairs. She strives to make a difference in the policies and practices at the university level to include hidden diversity and global identities.

Ann Baker Cottrell
Ann Baker Cottrell, Ph.D., is Sociology Professor Emerita at San Diego State University where her teaching and research was comparative and/or focused on people whose lives are cross-national in some way. She did a large study of Adult American TCKs who lived abroad between the end of World War II and the end of the Cold War and continues to write and present on TCK research. A founder of the TCK Research Network, she actively encourages TCK and expat research and mentors new researchers. As an adult, Ann has lived in India, Italy, England, Scotland, and had summer work experience in Switzerland and Ivory Coast.          tckresearcher.net
Doreen Cumberford
Doreen Cumberford is a coach, speaker and author of Life in the Camel Lane – Life is Portable: Live it Fully Everywhere You Go. A global nomad with 40 years lived on four continents and seven countries, she is often found on stages sharing lessons lived and learned overseas. Her varied work experience includes HM British Foreign Service in Africa, corporate America in the Middle East and the US. For the last 20 years she has been an accompanying spouse in Saudi Arabia and an entrepreneur. Doreen speaks on life lessons learned in Japan and Saudi Arabia with humor and inspiration. She calls Denver, Colorado, “basecamp” while her family is scattered internationally. www.doreenmcumberford.com

Kirsten de Greling Visman
Kirsten de Greling – Visman, is a certified Career, Life and Business Coach who is passionate about coaching Expat Partners and Professional Women in Transition through their life’s adventures. She creates a platform that facilitates their adaptation to change and encourages self-empowerment as they reignite their passion and refocus their professional ambitions and personal dreams. She has 10 years of experience in delivering Career Services to international universities and business schools in the Netherlands & Albania, and 9 years of offering Career Coaching world-wide as she trots all over Africa with her French-Finnish husband and two young sons. www.roadmaptoyourdreamcareer.com 
Amel Derragui
Amel Derragui is a TCK, global nomad and marketing communications specialist. After a career as a project manager in advertising and branding, she quit her job and launched her freelance services as a marketing communications strategy and business development advisor. While moving across three continents, she has been supporting entrepreneurs from various industries grow their business and make a strong impact with their audience. Amel is also the founder of Tandem Nomads, a podcast show and online platform dedicated to empowering expat partners. Tandem Nomads provides inspiration and resources to help them thrive in global transitions and build a portable business.  www.tandemnomads.com

Marielle de Spa
Marielle de Spa is an entrepreneurial ATCK with a professional expertise in global talent management and leadership consulting. Her previous track record in executive search combined to multiple international transitions with her Third Culture family have provided her with comprehensive knowledge of expat life and career advancement complexities. Both paths have naturally lead her to create TCKapital, an advisory firm with a mission to
  • Identify, unlock and promote global talent and Third Culture competencies,
  • Advise international leaders on how to effectively navigate complex transitions,
  • Architect global career plans by aligning professional goals with personal fulfillment. 
Of Belgian origin, Marielle has lived and worked in various countries across the Americas and Europe. She currently lives in Rio de Janeiro where she has recently co-founded the first Brazilian FIGT affiliate.
Elizabeth Douet
Elizabeth Douet is a Journalist, Intercultural Trainer and Communications Consultant working with clients in Europe. Over the past twenty years, she has partnered with organizations, individuals and intercultural leaders while living in six different countries to deliver innovative support programs and products. Currently based in Dublin, Ireland, she is Director of Global Training Specialists, an intercultural training, coaching and consulting company. She holds a MS in International Journalism, a MS in Digital Marketing and is a certified trainer, mentor & coach.
Kristin Louise Duncombe
Kristin Duncombe MSW, MPH, is an American writer and psychotherapist who has lived in Europe since 2001. She has based her career on working with international and expatriate families following her own experience of growing up overseas as the child of a US diplomat, and having lived internationally most of her adult life. She is the author of Trailing: A Memoir and Five Flights Up, both memoirs that address, among other things, the specific challenges and idiosyncrasies of the expat existence. 

Lisa Ferland
Lisa Ferland published two anthologies, the Knocked Up Abroad series, in 2016 and regularly collaborates with highly mobile writers in every time zone imaginable. She enjoys helping other women tell their personal stories and blogs fairly regularly at knockedupabroad.eu.
Katherine Fortier
Katherine is a Child and Educational Psychologist and mother of three "third-culture kids", originally from Canada and living and working in The Hague for 20 years. In her practice she provides psychological services to children and families from age 4 to 18 who attend various international schools from Amsterdam to Antwerp and many in between. Her two eldest kids have "flown the expat nest" to live and study back "home" in Canada.

Cliff Gardner
Cliff Gardner is currently the Senior Administrative Manager of Research in the Division of Nephrology at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Prior to this position he was the Administrative Officer for the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University from 2007-2011. He has over thirty years of experience living, working and traveling throughout the Middle East and South Asia. He and his wife, Marilyn, have five children born on three continents. 

Marilyn Gardner
Marilyn Gardner is an adult third culture kid who grew up in Pakistan, then lived as an adult in Pakistan and Egypt. She birthed 5 kids on 3 continents, and went on to raise them in Pakistan and Egypt before moving to the United States. She currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts working as a Public Health Nurse with underserved populations. Her first book, Between Worlds: Essays on Culture & Belonging, came out in July 2014. Her writing also appears in the book What a Woman is Worth, Among Worlds Magazine, and A Life Overseas. https://marilyngardner.net/
Rebecca Grappo
Rebecca Grappo is the president of RNG International Educational Consultants and has been a frequent presenter at FIGT on issues related to TCKs, transitions and education for global nomads. She was also on the expat circuit for over 30 years and has lived in 10 countries, and is also the proud mother of three young adult TCKs. As an educational consultant, she helps expat families find the right boarding schools and universities that are the right fit for their children's unique educational needs. You can read more at www.rnginternational.com.

Claudine Hakim
Claudine Hakim, current Dean of Students, was a founding Head at the International School of London in Surrey and leader of the award winning Crossroads Transitions Program. Having lived in four continents, Claudine is passionate about fostering well-balanced and inclusive international communities. Claudine holds a Masters degree from the University College of London, Institute of Education in Educational Leadership and Management and a BA in Psychology and Counseling from Richmond International University. https://www.islschools.org
Luchy Harrold
Luchy Harrold is a passionate educator and health advocate with sixteen years of international experience. A TCK herself, she empathises with her students. She has been an educator in Holland, Mexico, France and England. She feels at home in the international setting – more so since raising three cross-cultural children. After completing an M.Ed at The College of New Jersey and Counselling certificate at Lehigh University, she has written and delivered a variety of wellbeing workshops and has implemented in-house counseling, SEAL (Social Emotional Aspects of Learning) and Emotional Literacy programs at schools including ISL Surrey where she currently works.
Oxana Holtmann 
Oxana Holtmann is a Conscious Leadership Coach and an advisor to globally mobile professionals and international families. She is the founder of Oxana Holtmann International, a coaching platform that promotes true homecoming through mindfulness, body intelligence, wonder and co-creativity at work and in relationships. Oxana loves writing, discovering and sharing practical wisdom, and noticing everyday beauty. Oxana grew up in Siberia and now lives with her family in Washington, D.C. www.oxanaholtmann.com
Kim Hunt 
Kim Hunt has been active in education and the nonprofit sector for over 20 years and currently works as a Doctoral Research Assistant at the University of San Diego's Caster Family Center for Nonprofit and Philanthropic Research. Her education includes a Master’s in Education with an emphasis in Curriculum Development, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics with an emphasis in Developing Nations. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies with Non Profit/Philanthropic Leadership & Management specialization at the University of San Diego. Her dissertation research explores the experiences of highly mobile military children.
Kilian Kröll 
Kilian Kröll comes from a multicultural family of artists and teachers in four countries, who inspire him to use his cross-cultural understanding to help others grow and succeed. He received a BA in English & Queer Studies from Haverford College and an MA in Cultural Studies from the University of East London. He is an iPEC-accredited Certified Professional Coach as well as an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner. Kilian was President of Families in Global Transition from 2011 - 2016.
Birgit Kuschel is a talent recruiter working with clients in Europe and US. She is an Intercultural Trainer and Business Consultant, who is passionate about coaching Professionals in Transition. Over the past twenty years, she has partnered with organizations, companies and individuals while living in different countries. She is the CEO of The Connect Concept LLC, an American based intercultural training and talent consulting company. She studied Economics, Law and Human Resources and is a certified trainer, mentor & coach.
Claudia Landini 
Claudia Landini is a cross-cultural trainer and mobile career coach. She has lived in nine countries over five continents. Twelve years ago she created www.expatclic.com, and since then she has been writing about her life abroad and helping expat women in many ways. She is also the creator of Expatwomen at work, a community platform for professional expat women, co-creator of Expatbooks.org, a virtual library of books written by and for expats, and Expatatable, a cultural/culinary portal on gastronomies all over the world. She currently lives in Jakarta, Indonesia.  http://www.expatclic.com
Anne Lessle 
Anne Lessle’s background in consulting and industry combined with her ongoing PhD in Industrial and Organizational psychology allows her to transfer modern research into applied solutions to enhance business. Living for five years in the US and four years in Mexico provides her with the cross-cultural competence to interact globally. Recent projects include: set up of HR structure for a start-up in Mexico, organizational culture analysis for a factory in Tennessee (USA), restructuring of the compensation model for an automotive supplier in Germany, transferring the company vision into the company's culture for an industrial manufacturer, and implementing a communication model in a merger for three industrial businesses. The presentation is based on her doctoral dissertation. www.the-expat-expert.com
Lesley Lewis
Lesley Lewis is a Global Advisor and the Founder of Culture3Counsel, an concept that embraces all people who are required to bridge cultures in their life and work. She is the mother of two ATCKs as well as an educator, mentor, counsellor and life advisor of CCKs and ATCKs. Lesley has more than 35 years of experience in the Human Services field in Asia, Europe, Africa and North America.

Anastasia Aldelina Lijadi
Anastasia Aldelina Lijadi, PhD received her Doctoral of Philosophy in Psychology major from University of Macau. She was awarded Atlas.Ti Dissertation Awards 2015 for Best dissertation for PhD Level in qualitative method by International Institute of Qualitative Methods, University of Alberta, Canada. Anastasia received her Master in Counseling and Psychotherapy from University of Saint Joseph, Macau. Her research interest includes high mobility population, Third Culture Kids, and youth perception of social change. She is currently employed as part time lecturer at her alma mater and continuing research independently.
Ute Limacher-Riebold 
Ute Limacher-Riebold holds a Dr.Phil. in Romance Philology and is consultant and trainer at "Ute's International Lounge". She is a trained linguist (bilingualism, language acquisition and learning, sociolinguistics) and was Lecturer at the Department of Romanistics at the University of Zurich. A plurilingual expat-since-birth, since 2005, she has been based in the Netherlands, where she is raising her three children. http://www.UtesLounge.com
Maria Lombart 
Maria Lombart knows firsthand what it means to be a TCK dealing with loss. She was born and raised in Africa, Europe and the Middle East, before living in North America and Asia as an adult. Now living in Lebanon, she reads all things TCK-related and writes to understand both her experience and relate it to others.
Katia Mace
Katia Mace is a PhD candidate at the university of Cambridge. She is a CCK who grew up between England, Russia, South Africa and Spain. Her research is funded by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council.

Ellen Mahoney
Ellen is an entrepreneur, educator, and international speaker. A third culture kid herself, she is the founder of Sea Change Mentoring, an online mentoring program that helps third culture kids (TCKs) ages 16 and up explore careers, prepare for university and adjust to the next big move. The organization also advises international schools in running quality mentoring programs. She studied counseling at George Washington University and is certified in Mentoring Supervision by Big Brothers Big Sisters and Fordham University's Graduate School of Social Work. Alongside Doug Ota, she is a co-founding board member of Safe Passage Across Networks, which facilitates the establishment of programs that address the challenges of mobility across networks of schools.
Olga Mecking
Olga Mecking is a writer, living in the Netherlands with her husband and three children. Her work has appeared on The Wall Street Journal Expat blog, Babble, Expatica, and others. She is also the editor of Dutched Up: Rocking the Clogs, Expat Style. When not writing or thinking about writing, Olga can be found reading, drinking tea and reading some more. www.europeanmama.com

Guleraana Mir 
Guleraana Mir is a writer and creative facilitator. She holds an MA in Educational Theatre from New York University. Guleraana works in community settings using theatre, storytelling and movement to explore diversity, creativity, and to build communication skills, as well as exploring PSHE topics in schools. She wholeheartedly believes that theatre is perfect for analysing, exploring and commenting on our ever-changing society; and this ethos can be found in all of her practice. Guleraana’s first full-length play was long listed by the BBC as part of SCRIPTROOM 8 and her second and third are currently in development.
Janneke Muyselaar-Jellema
Janneke Muyselaar-Jellema, a medical doctor has worked in child and adolescent mental health in an asylum seekers centre in the Netherlands, her passport country. Born and bred in Africa (Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe) she knows what it is like to grow up as a Third Culture Kid. She has travelled to more than 25 countries. Janneke loves reading, is passionate about raising kids in other cultures, and blogs on her DrieCulturen blog http://drieculturen.blogspot.nl.


Dana Nelson
Dana Nelson, Ph.D., is an American clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and counselor currently living in Lyon, France. As part of her private practice (Inner Journeys Counseling), she works with English-speaking expats, intercultural couples, teen TCKs, and others living abroad, providing individual, couples, and group counseling and psychotherapy services both in-person and online. She also provides consultation and workshops to local schools and organizations on emotional wellness for those living abroad. www.dananelsoncounseling.com

Megan Norton
Megan Norton, the daughter of a former diplomat, has lived in ten countries, five U.S. States, and has visited more than 30 countries. Megan currently works as an intercultural dialogue facilitator and English language instructor in Elblag, Poland. Megan has presented her ATCK research at multiple conferences including FIGT, NAFSA, IMI, SIETAR-USA and CIES.  Megan holds a MA in Intercultural and International Communication, a MA in Strategic and Business Communication, and BA in Public Relations.  Megan loves to engage in conversations surrounding transnational education, global citizenship, and the TCK experience.
Christopher O’Shaughnessy is a passionate and versatile author and speaker who uses a unique blend of storytelling, humor, and provocative insight to engage in the transient world of the international community. Born in England as a military brat to American parents, Chris has lived and worked across the globe and to date has ventured to more than 95 countries. Tales from these experiences form part of the fabric of Chris’ engaging presentation and have helped shape Chris’ passion for the international world. Chris’ book, Arrivals, Departures and the Adventures In-Between, has received high praise from students, teachers, and other experts in the TCK and international community as a resource that is both enjoyable to read at a student level, and able to instill truths, insights and skills essential to navigating life successfully in an ever globalizing world.
 Mariam Ottimofiore
Mariam Ottimofiore is an adult TCK and a Pakistani expat, who has spent the past 15 years living abroad in the US, UK, Germany, Denmark, Singapore and the UAE. She is the founder and writer behind the blog And Then We Moved to where she talks about life on the expat trail, raising her two multicultural and multilingual children and traveling the world. Her writing has been published on the Huffington Post, Expat Living Singapore/Hong Kong and Expat Connect Dubai. She is also a Parfitt Pascoe Writing Resident for 2017. You can follow her work on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

 Jo Parfitt
Jo Parfitt has been living abroad, working, parenting and writing for almost 30 years. She runs Summertime Publishing and has published over 100 books for expat authors. An author of more than 30 of her own books she also teaches others how to write books, life story and articles both on and offline. Now an empty nester she has become acutely aware of the issues this raises for herself, her identity and her family. It is inevitable that she now plans to write a book on the subject in collaboration with other FIGT regulars. The book's research kicks off at FIGTNL17.
Colleen Reichrath-Smith
Colleen Reichrath-Smith believes knowing how to navigate career transitions is a life skill for today. That's why she teaches people to navigate their own careers across occupational boundaries, international borders and changing times, creating a personally meaningful portable career. In 1998 Colleen started CJS Career Consulting in Canada and in 2006 she took her career on an international adventure to the Netherlands. In 2007, by using what she teaches, she was delivering career training again, this time in Dutch. Colleen is co-author of A Career in Your Suitcase, 4th ed. and certified as a Global Career Development Facilitator. www.careerinyoursuitcase.com www.cjscareers.com
Rita Rosenback 
Rita Rosenback is the current vice-president of FIGT and an author, speaker, blogger and coach who helps parents raise children to speak more than one language. She is the founder of www.multilingualparenting.com and author of Bringing up a Bilingual Child. Rita is also a board member at www.multiculturalkidblogs.com and works as an Intercultural Trainer. She is a Finland-Swede who now lives in the UK with her English husband. She has two adult daughters and an adorable grandson.  www.multilingualparenting.com

Gabriela Santacruz 
Gabriela Santacruz is an adult TCK, currently based in London. Born in Ecuador, she was a year old when her family embarked in a series of international assignments. After receiving a degree in Psychology in Mexico City, she worked as a international school counselor before moving to London to complete a Masters Degree in Developmental Psychology, followed by a four-year psychotherapy training stint to work with children and adolescents. Gabriela works with adolescents and their families in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. She firmly believes in the need to help young people thrive from the sometimes difficult experiences of a highly mobile life.
Sara Saunders 
Sara Saunders is a TCK who has lived and/or studied or worked in the USA, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Thailand, Mexico and Lebanon. She is the author of the children's book Swirly, a story of the TCK experience. She currently works at Middle East University in Lebanon where she coordinates projects to serve the university's neighbours, including the Syrian refugee community with its many vulnerable CCKs. She is passionate about increasing access to culturally relevant and developmentally appropriate books for the world's most disadvantaged children.
Erin Sinogba 
Erin Sinogba is an anthropologist, development worker, communications specialist, and passionate advocate of the environment and transnational communities. She has been an active volunteer with TCKid since 2009, where she has since taken on the position of Executive Assistant in 2010 and the Local Chapter Leader of TCKid Philippines since 2012. She also advocates for TCKs and other transnational people at TIGRA (Transnational Institute for Grassroots Research and Action) Philippines, where she started a program for transnational children and youth in the Philippines and currently serves as a Board member. Erin is a self-identified Filipino Third Culture Kid who has lived in South Korea (where she was born), the Philippines, Grenada, and the USA.​ http://www.tckidnow.com
Sarah Stoner
Sarah Stoner is an American-born writer who was raised in Uganda, Morocco, Belgium, and Thailand. She lived in the U.S. for the first time at age 18. Her descriptive nonfiction has appeared in a variety of local magazines and international journals as well as the anthology The Chalk Circle: Intercultural Prizewinning Essays. Writing helps assimilate her TCK self, the parts of her that exist only in a particular country at a particular moment in time. She is currently grappling with raising her two children in a culture new to her, rural North America. Connecting with other TCKs and people in the global community is vital to her being. Sarah is honored to be chosen as a PPWR writing scholar. She explores nature, identity, and belonging at sarahhhwho.blogspot.ca
Sacha Tanis Hopmans
Sacha Tanis Hopmans is a qualified career coach and global personal & team development consultant. She specializes in helping expat partners explore professional opportunities abroad. Having spent more than 12 years away from her native Holland, Sacha has a clear understanding of the importance – and challenges – of pursuing a global career or finding alternative options. As the founder of Expart, Sacha combines personal experience with a professional background in recruitment, training and coaching and offers her expertise to expats and partners . She is also an intercultural trainer & consultant for several international training companies.  www.expart.nl

Amy Clare Tasker
Amy Clare Tasker  is a London-based theatre maker. She was born in England and grew up in California, spending 23 years there before returning “home” in 2013. Together with Guleraana Mir, she has gathered a tribe of TCK theatre artists in London to create “Home Is Where…” a verbatim theatre performance and oral history project inspired by their international experiences. Amy volunteers with the Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton and is a member of the London steering group for Hope Not Hate. Amy was a 2016 David C. Pollock Scholar and is delighted to return to FIGT in 2017. www.amyclaretasker.com

Simone Torres Costa  
Simone Torres Costa has a Master in Psychology and MBA, is an ICF certified Coach and member of the British Psychological Society. She is also a Brazilian Associate for TCO International and founder of Interculturalplus, an intercultural development organization with focus on Expat Services and the Brazilian Culture. Her interest in the long-term impact of expatriation on the executive performance and on family relations has been inspired by her own 16-year journey -- alone and with her family -- through the USA, Sweden, Poland, Italy and Brazil.   
Lisa Travella-Murawsky
Similar to many global nomads, Lisa Travella-Murawsky’s life has led her to experiences she could not have predicted and sport has helped her along the way. She was born in Canada to a Polish immigrant mother and French Canadian/Italian father and as a young girl growing up, sports played a very central role to her life and her community. It once again helped her create a community when she moved to Brussels, following University graduation. Lisa is currently the Executive Director of the Brussels Sports Association (BSA). www.bsasports.org

Deborah Valentine
Deborah Valentine is a Canadian, born in Germany; her parents are from Canada and Jamaica; she lived in three countries before the age of six – and since then, relocated every four years until she ‘hit’ Holland. After 11 relocations, five languages and experiences as ‘child of’, ‘spouse of’, ‘mother of’ -- not to mention expat professional herself with the UN -- she more than understands what it is to live and work in other countries, and is passionate about the tribes she is a member of. Currently she is Executive Director of ACCESS, a not-for-profit volunteer organisation in the Netherlands.

Caroline van den Bogaard
Caroline van den Bogaard has created her own portable career as an expatriate partner. She has joined her partner for his career in 5 countries since 1995 and started her own business, www.cctransitions.com, where she supports expat-partners, professionals and employees of international companies with their global transitions and career development. Her coaching and intercultural awareness programs are enhancing personal and professional leadership in these transitions. She has initiated several supportive network groups, as she strongly believes in the power of the tribe:) Caroline holds a Masters in Organizational Psychology and is a certified (CMF), NYU trained, Career Coach.
Annebet van Mameren
Annebet van Mameren has a research background in Intercultural Conflicts at Work, along with many years of experience in the corporate world. She has spent time living abroad, and has a thorough understanding of the issues faced by international families when selecting a school for their children in the Netherlands. She regularly shares her knowledge and experiences with readers of magazines, websites, and blogs for Internationals. Annebet runs a network called New2nl, bringing together experts in schooling, housing, and taxes, to provide services for international families in the Netherlands.

Ruth Van Reken
Ruth Van Reken is a US citizen who grew up in Nigeria as a second generation third culture kid (TCK)* and raised her three daughters in Liberia. For more than thirty years Ruth has traveled extensively to speak about issues related to global family lifestyles. Currently, she is seeking to understand how lessons learned from the TCK experience can transfer to others raised among many cultural worlds for various reasons. Ruth is co-author of Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, multiple other writings and also co-founder and past chairperson of Families in Global Transition. www.crossculturalkid.org

Katia Vlachos
Katia Vlachos is a writer and researcher whose work focuses on cross-cultural transitions and expatriate life. Greek by birth and perpetual foreigner by choice, she has lived in 8 cities and 7 countries in the last 20 years. In her blogs, and in a forthcoming book, she explores the challenges of finding home amidst the chaos of nomadic life. Katia is a defense analyst, with a Ph.D. from the RAND Corporation and Masters from Harvard. She lives in Zurich with her three children. Unfittingly for her location – but in complete harmony with her Mediterranean upbringing – she enjoys waterskiing more than snow skiing.
Stephanie Ward
Stephanie Ward is the Business & Marketing Mentor for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners who want to create meaningful and prosperous businesses. Stephanie is known for helping business owners get clear about their businesses and then generating marketing ideas that are a perfect fit for them. Her passion is to help her clients make a living doing work they love. She does this by combining her business and marketing background, her coaching skills, as well as her own personal experience. Her formal education consists of a Master’s degree in Communication and BBA degree in Business Management. http://www.fireflycoaching.com

Henriëtte Wentholt
Henriëtte Wentholt, has a Master in Psychology- MSc, CPCC and holds PCC certification at the International Coach Federation. She supports and facilitates accompanying partners during their mobile career journeys. She also designs and delivers workshops as intercultural trainer to managers, consultants, trainers and coaches, and offers intercultural youth training workshops to children (6-18yrs) moving abroad with their families. www.Internationalsatwork.com & www.Wentholt.com

Dr. David Willows
Dr. David Willows is Director of Admissions and Advancement at the International School of Brussels. David is also a regular presenter & trainer at international events and author of several books and articles in the field of international school branding, admissions, marketing and communications. Today, he is considered a leading practitioner in the field of advancement and continues to be involved in several global network organisations, helping to shape and define the future of the learning business.

Nicola Wreford-Howard
Nicola Wreford-Howard is a psychologist, coach & executive development consultant. She works with corporations, business schools and in private practice, enabling individuals and groups to reflect on their dreams and purpose and to effectively align their actions in the dynamic international networks. Nicola helps connect people with their untapped potential and assists in creating balance across organisational and life transitions. Nicola founded the Global Nomads Network; co-created the ‘Prototyping the Emerging Future’ community of practice; and offers workshops at the American International School in The Hague (ASH).

Terry Anne Wilson 
Terry Anne Wilson currently lives in India, her ninth overseas assignment. She is testament that there can be a full and rich life as an empty nester. Her love of culture and history infuses her work, expressed in a blog read worldwide that became the platform towards authorship of her first collaborative book. Global experience as an ESL teacher, a Cross-Cultural Trainer and Tour Guide/Historian, has contributed to her research.  As she strives to fulfill her goals in writing, she hopes to inspire others to also pursue their passion. www.notesonaboardingpass.wordpress.com 
Alice Wu
Alice's mother was a global nomad with Chinese diplomat parents, and Alice has lived in England, Finland, Sweden, and the US. She produced three videos about college-age global nomads at Cornell University and other schools, and is currently working on a fourth video about how technology has affected the experiences of GNs and TCKs over the last 20 plus years. She wrote a chapter about her videos and follow-up studies for Writing Out of Limbo (2012), edited by Nina Sichel and Gene Bell-Villada. She has presented about global nomads at Cornell and at NAFSA, SIETAR, OACAC, FIGT, and UWCSEA conferences.

Families in Global Transition
C/O Campbell Rappold & Yurasits LLP
1033 S Cedar Crest Blvd
Allentown, PA 18103, USA

Phone: +1 (703) 634-7400
Email: admin@figt.org

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